Buteyko Breathing Testimonial

By Rita Wolow

I work as an Executive Assistant in a busy council.

I started the Advanced Buteyko course on 15 November 2017 under the wonderful guidance of Advanced Buteyko Instructor, Teya Skae.

Before embarking on the Buteyko breathing technique, I was on a frightening asthma roller coaster that consisted of panic attacks, erratic asthma attacks and multiple food and chemical sensitivities. I found comfort in having rescue puffers located on my bedside table, bathroom, handbags, desk - just in case I had an attack. I always made sure I had a good supply of the rescue inhaler because I was going through them really quickly. I was struggling to catch my breath most of time and when I couldn't I would naturally panic.

I am an avid gym-goer, and all the exercising I did every day did little to ease nor resolve my asthma ordeal.

My doctor referred me to a an Asthma/Respiratory Specialist and after waiting one month for my appointment, I was none the wiser but on more medication. I also saw an Allergist in the hope that I could find relief from the chemical sensitivities that were exasperating my asthma. This too did little to help control the breathing episodes.

Buteyko has literally saved my life. I committed to four breathing sessions a day and the benefits have been amazing. I have not only reduced the use of my preventer and rescue inhaler - some days I forget to take them. I don't feel I need the long-acting inhaler. Buteyko has improved exponentially my breathing - I am no longer anxious or hyperventilating, I am calm, have more energy, and it has improved my endurance, especially during exercise.

I can confidently recommend Advanced Buteyko breathing system to anyone compromised with Asthma attacks.

Rita Wolow
Executive Assistant

Disclaimer: there is no guarantee of specific results and results will vary.